What are the different types of blockchains?

Mrmmbs Vision
3 min readOct 11, 2022
technology of blockchain

It comes as no surprise that the technology of blockchain has completely changed the way transactions take place in the world. Starting as a public blockchain type with a cryptocurrency use-case, bitcoin was introduced as a concept of decentralized ledger technology. Over the years, as technology evolved, people realized that blockchain could be something more than just one cryptocurrency and use case, which later on led to the evolution of its different types.

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Today, Mrmmbs Vision, the Best Blockchain Development Company in Delhi, will share some prominent types of blockchain technologies and their applications in various industries in this blog post.

Types of blockchain

Depending on the needs of the application, the technology of blockchain has been divided into different types, such as:

  1. Public blockchain: As the name suggests, public blockchain technology is one that is publicly accessible to anyone with an internet connection. It is considered a permissionless distributed ledger technology that anyone can join to validate blocks and do transactions. The first-ever public blockchain developed and released to the public was Bitcoin. But later on, it was also used for cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

Its advantages

  1. Anyone can join the network.
  2. It brings transparency.
  3. It requires no intermediaries.

Its applications

  1. Voting
  2. Fundraising

2. Private blockchain: Popularly known as permission blockchain technology, a private blockchain is one that restricts who can access it, and participate in doing the transaction and validation. Private blockchain technology works best in a restrictive environment and is considered the best for use in internal use cases by privately held companies and organizations.

Its advantages

  1. Are more scalable.
  2. Are faster than public blockchains.
  3. It offers more security.

Its applications

  1. Supply chain management
  2. Asset ownership

3. Hybrid blockchain: A combination of two of the most different types of blockchain technology is hybrid blockchain. It is a combination of private and public blockchain technology, offering its users more control over access to the data stored in the blockchain. It is widely used by businesses and organizations that neither want to deploy a private blockchain nor a public one but want to use the services of both.

Its advantages

  1. It works in a closed ecosystem.
  2. Offers privacy
  3. It provides scalability

Its applications

  1. Retail
  2. Real-estate

4. Consortium blockchain: Hybrid to public and private blockchain technology consortium blockchain technology is the one in which the process is controlled by some nodes and participation in the transaction is done by other nodes. It is public because the blockchain is shared by different nodes and private because the nodes that can access the blockchain are restricted. Blockchain technology is an ideal solution that requires collaboration across the field.

Its advantages

  1. Offers better customization.
  2. Considered more efficient than a public blockchain network.
  3. Offers better security and scalability.

Its applications

  1. Food tracking
  2. Banking and payments

With higher usage in different industries and different ways, different blockchain technologies have built their space in different industries like healthcare, politics, real estate, and others. It has caused a major shift in the landscape, encouraging the development of blockchain-based applications and features by a Blockchain Development Company offering development services related to next-generation technology and more.

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Mrmmbs Vision

Mrmmbs Vision, Web Designing & Development Company in Delhi, India with a global presence.